
03 August 18

APG 1st Rank Award "Indonesia Enterprise Risk Management Award-II- 2018 (IERMA-II-2018)

PT ADHI PERSADA GEDUNG (APG) becoming the 1st Rank in the category of BUMN Subsidiaries in the Indonesia Enterprise Risk Management Award - II - 2018 from Economic Review Friday, August 3, 2018, at Mawar I, Balai Kartini Ballroom, Jakarta in the "Indonesia Enterprise Risk Management Award-II" Award - 2018 (IERMA-II-2018).

The implementation of IERMA-II-2018 is the highest award to companies that have successfully carried out risk management, so that the company performs well, grows and absorbs large employment opportunities. As a company, risk management is a methodology or process for managing risk from the process of identification, measurement, mitigation, and monitoring so that the company's objectives are achieved and minimize losses. The risk itself is a potential loss, or loss that will and has occurred from an event.

The purpose of risk management is to ensure that the company's operational activities do not cause losses that exceed its ability to absorb losses, or endanger its business continuity. In the assessment, the Economic Review was supported by the Jury, namely Mrs. Dr. Dewi Hanggraeni, SE, MBA (Chairperson of the IERMA II 2018 Jury Board), Mr. Agus Maiyo (Deputy Director of Supervision of Financing 2 OJK) and other juries with the following scoring systems:

1. Identifying the sources of risk, measuring the magnitude of risk that can be measured through two dimensions are dimensions of frequency and dimensions of impact or impact. The frequency dimension is the discrepancy of how many times the risk occurs in one period or in one year, for example in one year how many accidents or illness.

2. Based on the procedure policy and limit determination, in which there must be a company that regulates the policy, what should be insured, recorded, the impact, who is responsible and so on.

3. Coverage of stakeholder management concerning employees.

The acceptance of the PT APG IERMA-II-2018 award was represented by Ms. Tiara Nursyani (Corsec PT APG) which was directly given by Mrs. Hj. Nana Irlisa Rachmadiana, SSn, MM (Founder & General Leader of Economic Review).